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Support to control output on multiple text screens of varying heights. The widths supported are all of the possible Atari text screen widths possible: 48, 40, 32, 24, 20, and 16.


NOTE: Screen indices as well as X and Y positions are all 0-based, starting from 0 and going up. On a 40x25 screen, the valid X positions are 0 to 39 and the valid Y positions are 0 to 24. With support for 8 screen entries, the valid indices used will be 0 to 7.




Screen Selection


Wipes out all screens, sets a new display list with 40x25 text in ANTIC mode 2, and adds a single screen for the 40x25 screen area.

Sets the active screen by its index.

Removes a screen entry by its index.

Removes every screen. No valid screens are available afterwards.

Creates a new screen entry, which will become the active screen with an X and Y of 0.

Updates the details for the current screen.



All of these target the active screen.


Sets the cursor position.

Sets just the cursor's X position.

Sets just the cursor's Y position.

Acts as if a new line character was output, adjusting X and Y position as appropriate, as well as auto-scrolling if necessary and enabled.

Wipes all or part of the screen.

Outputs a PString to the screen.

Outputs a PString in QuickOS::ZP_Dest.

Outputs a PString in QuickOS::ZP_Source.

Outputs a single character to the screen.


Zero Page Values



Address, The address for the current line on the active screen.


Byte, The active screen X position.

This gets saved back to the screen when switching active screens.


Byte, The active screen Y position.

This gets saved back to the screen when switching active screens.


Byte, The width of the current screen.


Byte, The number of lines in the current screen.




Active Screen

The details for the active screen. Also see QuickScreen::ZP_Active* for other values.



Byte, The active screen index. QuickScreen::INVALIDINDEX ($FF) if there are no screens.


Byte, The active screen flags.

This gets saved back to the screen when switching active screens.


Automatically sets the high bit on every value being displayed.


Output to this screen is literal so that new lines do not move to a new line.


Auto scrolls text if the cursor goes beyond the last line, moving the Y position to the last line in that case.


Address, The address of the active screen.


Word, The size of the active screen, in bytes. This is just width * height.


General Screen

These are configuration details for the general screen to use if SetGeneral is called. They should always be set to a readable font with a valid address, with a legible text color and background color. It is used to report errors/failures, but can also be used for general text I/O.



Address, The address to use for the general font.

Default: QuickScreen_Config::GeneralFont


Address, The address of the general screen.

Default: QuickScreen_Config::GeneralAddress


Byte, The flags to use for the general screen.

Default: See QuickScreen_Config::GENERALFLAGS_*


Byte, The background color to use for the general screen.

Default: QuickScreen_Config::GENERALBGCOLOR


Byte, The text color to use for the general screen.

Default: QuickScreen_Config::GENERALTEXTCOLOR


Internal Values



Byte, The number of screens in use.


Byte, Keeps basic state information about the current screen.

This gets saved back to the screen when switching active screens.


Set if X is off screen, to jump to a new line on next character.

This will always be $40 so BIT QuickScreen::ActiveState can be used with BVC/BVS.


Set if Y is off screen, to cause scrolling on output or prevent output.

This will always be $80 so BIT QuickScreen::ActiveState can be used with BPL/BMI.


Word, The number of bytes to move when scrolling the screen. This is pre-calculated to save a few cycles every scroll.


Error Codes


QUICKOS_ERRORCODE::Screen_InvalidIndex ($20)

An invalid index was used.

QUICKOS_ERRORCODE::Screen_InvalidNumScreen ($21)

QuickScreen::NumScreen was invalid.

QUICKOS_ERRORCODE::Screen_NoneAvailable ($22)

There are no free screens available.

QUICKOS_ERRORCODE::Screen_InvalidWidth ($23)

The width used in Add or Update was invalid.


Byte, The width.

QUICKOS_ERRORCODE::Screen_InvalidHeight ($24)

The height used in Add or Update was invalid.


Byte, The height.

QUICKOS_ERRORCODE::Screen_InvalidAddress ($25)

The address used in Add or Update was invalid.

X & Y

Address (X High), The address.





Byte, The maximum number of screens allowed. It is recommended to keep this small since each ; potential screen occupies 8 bytes of memory to track its details.

Don't ever use more than 32 as that will cause a byte overflow on indexing the screen table!

This greatly changes the size of the resulting OS.

Default: 4


Byte, The code to use for new line. $0A ("\n") or $0D ("\r") are expected.

Default: QuickOS_Config::NEWLINE


General Screen Defaults



Address, The default address for the general screen's font.

Default: QuickOS_Config::ScreenAddress


Address, The default address for the general screen.

Default: QuickScreen_Config::GeneralFont + $0400


Byte, The default background color to use for the general screen.

Default: $00


Byte, The default text color to use for the general screen.

Default: $0E


Boolean, Default the general screen to using highlighted output.

Default: 0


Boolean, Default the general screen to using literal output.

Default: 0


Boolean, Default the general screen to using auto scroll.

Default: 1